Monday, May 19, 2008

Next... in TIME magazine...

My husband Adam and I have been crazy about This American Life for about 7 years now. When we were living in Germany, we often curled up and snuggled to hours of the show. How crazy are we? Sometimes, a moment occurs in our day that is so odd, so wonderful, so embarrassing, so worthy of a story, that one of us will chime in as Ira Glass, the host, and say:

"Next, on This American Life... "

Well, TIME magazine recently decided to run a Q & A with Ira Glass and I posted one of the hundreds of questions that got asked by fans. They picked mine!

Here's my question and Ira's answer, which has obviously been edited for space:

Me: What's so American about This American Life?

Ira: There's a story that shows up a lot--of people who have some scheme or some way to invent a new life for themselves. Those stories seem to me to be very American. I say that not knowing much about people in other countries.

UPDATE: It turns out the questions have been posted in their entirety in a podcast on the site.


roric said...

How can you be sure that Diane Rehm didn't submit that question too?

Emily said...

Oh, but I can't. But I probably got there first. That iron lung she's dragging around probably slowed her down.